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Fun photo shoot after church before jumping on the bus! |
Hola mi familia! Hope you all had a great week!
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby Brin yesterday!! wowie 10 years old QUE GRANDE! and oh my you are wearing makeup now?! nooo! you are getting so big. happy bday lil girl I love you so much! AND happy birthday to my beautiful mama today!! You deserve to have an awesssomme day today! Dad buy my mama some flowers and chocolate and take her out ok! And ommmg BAILS happy happy birthday on Friday! for reals cant believe you are gunna be 18 like whaaat?! you are so beautiful and Im scared for you to go to college cuz all the boys are gunna be in love with ya and you need to go on a mission! Hop you have a fabbb birthday sister dear! Love you so so much.
Sooo this week was another good one. Not tooo much happened but we found this super cute girl named Sol! Shes 20 and has a lil bro named Tovias who's 9. We had a lesson with them this week and they are probs the most politest and cleanest and nicest people Ive ever met in Argentina! and they have a 2 story house which is so cool.Anyways, we had a lesson with them and during the first vision, Sol totes felt the spirit and told us that she felt something warm in her chest and started to tear up a lil. That is magic to a missionaries ears. So we are super excited to work with her!
We are seeing miracles every day through our obedience and through acting on the promptings we receive from the spirit. We were lead to a woman named Susanna this week as we were contacting in the morning. We decided to knock at her door. This lil sweet old Lady Susanna opened the door and we began talkin with her. As soon as we asked if she believed in God, she began to weep and invited us in. She told us she has been alone for 45 years since her husband died, and that she is soo lonely and that Jesus is te only one there for her. I have never seen someone cry/bawl/pour her heart out to me as much as Susanna did. She could not get through her words because she would just be crying and crying. We began teaching her and what an amazing spirit filled the room. We left and she gave me the biggest hug and told us we can come back any time to visit her. We are excited to meet with her again this week!
Little experiences like these are such testimony builders to me that our Heavenly Father is preparing people all around us to find and teach. Through our obedience to the spirit, we were allowed to be guided and lead to Susana, and many many others of the lost sheep.
Guys are you so excited that general conference is coming up!! I seriously cannot wait and I'm shakin in my boots! Gunna be like Christmas wooohoo! All is well here in Cervantes! It is beginning to get collld! Me and Hna Houston have so much fun together and are really getting the hang of our español! We teach super well together and always have each others backs. So weird being te ONLY 2 gringas in this lil city haha everyone, seriously everyone stares at us. I am learning so much you guys. Not only about this gospel, but about myself, about life in general and how to survive living in a tiny lil apartment and city, and about my Savior. His love and grace are so real. I finally got to Helaman this week and man do I love reading the BOM. Has so much power and I can see that as I am reading t BOM myself, my commitments to my investigators and much stronger and powerful because I can say I am doing the same. Please be reading the BOM everyday! Its a commandment. And GO OUT WITH THE MISSIONARIES! I feel so bad for not replying to te sisters texts before the mission when they would ask me to go out with them! haha for real i was such a rebel. The members are what make a difference in this work. Our father in heaven is preparing people all around us!
I am looking forward to skyping with yall in may so i can tell you about all the life changing experiences I'm having here...because these emails don't do it justice. And hey for anyone who is thinking about going on a mission, don't think just go! There are no words to describe this work. It is so challenging and frustrating at times, but not really cause the joyful experiences over ride the bad. Sharing my testimony of Christ each day has changed my life and changed my testimony. It is transforming from a belief and faith in this gospel, into something that I know and cannot deny. Keep pressing forward with faith! This life is too good not to be smiling and having fun. We have a father in Heaven whose every thought and every care is about us, his children and His purpose is for us to learn and grow and have experiences so that we can one day become like Him! moses 1 39 yall! Have a fabulous week. and have a wonderful day mommy, I miss you the most! Love you all.
Hermana Farrow
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