March 30, 2015
HOLAAA. Feliz semana santa yall! Hope you all have a great week but theres no doubt about that...because you´ll all be in HONDURAS whaaat?! Crazy people! So fun. Hope you all eat some gooood cruise food for me and dad that you use those patches and don't get too sea sick!
OK so this week started out with exchanges with the hermana leaders. I went to Roca and was with Hna Guzman form Monterey Mexico!! Shes so cute and it was fun talking with some one who understand my deep love for Mexican food and guac and salsa and buritos.
Okay so Wednesday was the saddest day of my mish! Our amazzzing investigator dropped us. She had us come over and just told us that she doesn't want us to come back and that she doesnt understand why there are so many less actives in the church and actually I don't really understand why all of this happened. She walked us outside and as I gave her a last hug we both just started balling and oh my goodness it was so terrible! Me and Hna Houston went back home and just began to cry together! Estela told us she is not going to stop reading the Book of Mormon and praying. I know one day she will be a strong member of this church because she is so amazing, and obviously this is not her time right now.
We met the CUTEST lil girls this week who are our newest investigators!! Virginia is 14 and her lil sis Aldana is 9. We had a lesson with them on Saturday and they no absolutely nothin about relgion or Jesus we just started with the supper basics and taught them how to pray! They wanted to come to church so bad (which is rare to find people like this so I was shakin in my boots of happiness) so were like okay we´re gunna come to pick you guys up at 7 am on Sunday and then we will take the bus together! So just to clarify, Cervantes doesn't have a chapel...or a used to be a branch, but they just closed the branch. Which is very hard for us missionaries because to get people to church we have to meet at teh bus stop at like /30 in the morn to take a bus to Roca in the city to the chapel. Anywayyys we went Sunday morn to get these two girls and I was just praying and praying in my heart that they would actually wake up early and come. By the way they live way in the middle of this huge orchard that is teh longest walk oh my my we got there and we clapped and we see the door open and they walked out! WOOOHOO! So we were so happy and all four of us took the bus together and went to church. Aldana is the cutest and I think was a lil tired cause in Sacrament meeting she just rested her head on my shoulder for a while haha. and Brinley!! I told her I have a sis who is basically her age and she wanted me to tell you that sh says Hola and says one day she hopes she can meet you!! SO these are our newest investigators and we are so exited to teach them.
Guess what... this is the last week of this transfer! crazy stuff. Hna Houston will probs be leaving, so we are sad and enjoying this last week together! Today is our zone pday so we are off to the chapel to play some futbol and eat some Argentine pizza. I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week! And hey hope you all enjoy general conference! I am so excited. The church is true!
Oh also, I am almost finished with the Book of Mormon. I had a goal to finish it before conference, and I am in 4th Nephi right now! I can say that I know it is the word of God and that this book truly has power.It testifies of our Savior Jesus Christ and as I read 3 nephi 11 this week, the spirit manifested to me that He truly lives. May we all remember His this week, and that because of Him, we all live and will live again.Love you all
Love Hermana Farrow
PS my newest fave missionary scripture is 3 Nephi 5 13. SO awesome. I love this work
Monday, March 30, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Oh Susana....Don't you cry for me!
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Fun photo shoot after church before jumping on the bus! |
Hola mi familia! Hope you all had a great week!
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby Brin yesterday!! wowie 10 years old QUE GRANDE! and oh my you are wearing makeup now?! nooo! you are getting so big. happy bday lil girl I love you so much! AND happy birthday to my beautiful mama today!! You deserve to have an awesssomme day today! Dad buy my mama some flowers and chocolate and take her out ok! And ommmg BAILS happy happy birthday on Friday! for reals cant believe you are gunna be 18 like whaaat?! you are so beautiful and Im scared for you to go to college cuz all the boys are gunna be in love with ya and you need to go on a mission! Hop you have a fabbb birthday sister dear! Love you so so much.
Sooo this week was another good one. Not tooo much happened but we found this super cute girl named Sol! Shes 20 and has a lil bro named Tovias who's 9. We had a lesson with them this week and they are probs the most politest and cleanest and nicest people Ive ever met in Argentina! and they have a 2 story house which is so cool.Anyways, we had a lesson with them and during the first vision, Sol totes felt the spirit and told us that she felt something warm in her chest and started to tear up a lil. That is magic to a missionaries ears. So we are super excited to work with her!
We are seeing miracles every day through our obedience and through acting on the promptings we receive from the spirit. We were lead to a woman named Susanna this week as we were contacting in the morning. We decided to knock at her door. This lil sweet old Lady Susanna opened the door and we began talkin with her. As soon as we asked if she believed in God, she began to weep and invited us in. She told us she has been alone for 45 years since her husband died, and that she is soo lonely and that Jesus is te only one there for her. I have never seen someone cry/bawl/pour her heart out to me as much as Susanna did. She could not get through her words because she would just be crying and crying. We began teaching her and what an amazing spirit filled the room. We left and she gave me the biggest hug and told us we can come back any time to visit her. We are excited to meet with her again this week!
Little experiences like these are such testimony builders to me that our Heavenly Father is preparing people all around us to find and teach. Through our obedience to the spirit, we were allowed to be guided and lead to Susana, and many many others of the lost sheep.
Guys are you so excited that general conference is coming up!! I seriously cannot wait and I'm shakin in my boots! Gunna be like Christmas wooohoo! All is well here in Cervantes! It is beginning to get collld! Me and Hna Houston have so much fun together and are really getting the hang of our español! We teach super well together and always have each others backs. So weird being te ONLY 2 gringas in this lil city haha everyone, seriously everyone stares at us. I am learning so much you guys. Not only about this gospel, but about myself, about life in general and how to survive living in a tiny lil apartment and city, and about my Savior. His love and grace are so real. I finally got to Helaman this week and man do I love reading the BOM. Has so much power and I can see that as I am reading t BOM myself, my commitments to my investigators and much stronger and powerful because I can say I am doing the same. Please be reading the BOM everyday! Its a commandment. And GO OUT WITH THE MISSIONARIES! I feel so bad for not replying to te sisters texts before the mission when they would ask me to go out with them! haha for real i was such a rebel. The members are what make a difference in this work. Our father in heaven is preparing people all around us!
I am looking forward to skyping with yall in may so i can tell you about all the life changing experiences I'm having here...because these emails don't do it justice. And hey for anyone who is thinking about going on a mission, don't think just go! There are no words to describe this work. It is so challenging and frustrating at times, but not really cause the joyful experiences over ride the bad. Sharing my testimony of Christ each day has changed my life and changed my testimony. It is transforming from a belief and faith in this gospel, into something that I know and cannot deny. Keep pressing forward with faith! This life is too good not to be smiling and having fun. We have a father in Heaven whose every thought and every care is about us, his children and His purpose is for us to learn and grow and have experiences so that we can one day become like Him! moses 1 39 yall! Have a fabulous week. and have a wonderful day mommy, I miss you the most! Love you all.
Hermana Farrow
Monday, March 16, 2015
The Best of Days!
March 16, 2015
Hola mi familia! como estan mis queridos?! esta semana fue muy bien. re copado. De verdad, una semana para recordar. okay so the internet is like slow and super sketchy so hopefully this'll send! But hey fam I miss you and hope you had a great week! Hna Houstons fam was all in Oceanside this week for spring break and went to the beach and sea world and the temple and all that jazz! So fun.
But for reals this week was so awesome. We went to Roca on Thursday for interviews with president!!! He is so awesome and just the cutest lil man. Our interview was so so good. I got a lil emotional expressing to him my love for being a missionary and for this amazing mission we are part of. He gave me a bunch of advice and at the end he said that I am a wonderful young lady and a fantastic missionary! woohoo! haha He's the best. I got super pumped from this interview and just had so much animo to work work work!
Me and Hna Houston decided to put some new goals for the week and our main one was to create an environment for the spirit to dwell during our lessons. Because sometimes the way we are sitting or if their is music or if the tv is on or somethin. Anyways this was our goal and we sure achieved it!
Friday the 13th had nothing on us this week! Friday was a day of pure MILAGROS!! We were lead to so many prepared people and were blessed with the exact words to say in the very moments that we needed them. Remember the girl Anyta who was baptized the first week I got here in Cervantes? Well here mama, Estela, is now our investigator. She is the sweetest lady and so so ready to be baptized. She has a strong testimony and she is just one of those people that unserstands everything we teach. we have been waking up 30 mins every morning to give up this lil part of sleep to be able to know her needs and how we can help her. Friday night we had a lesson with Anyta and it went super well. Then at the end of the lesson, Estela and the other family members who aren't members came into the house. So our lesson was a lil interrupted, but all good. So they all just started talkin and drinkin mate...and it began to get later and we had to go. And i got this lil thought to Show the mormon message, because of Him. SO I asked if we could watch it with all them before we left. And we did, and after the vid I looked over and they are all crying! soo awesome. That vid always brings the spirit so strong. After the testimony I bore my testimony of Christ and his redeeming power. I bore testimony and told them that what we were all feeling in this moment was the Spirit of the Lord, and that the job of the spirit is to testify of truth, so these3 things must be true. This lesson was much needed and I know that we all felt the Love of God that night and I know the Spirit touched their hearts. This is why I love missionary work...just seeing the change the spirit makes in these people. PLease keep Estela in your prayers. I know she will be baptized, and she knows it too, but she either needs to get married or move out with this guy she's living with. But miracles happen every day and God is a God of miracles, I know we just need to work our hardest and leave it all to Him.
I truly love this work. I will never get tired of testifying of my Savior and his gospel. Dangit I have so much to say but so little time, but just know that my life is changing as I strive to live in a way to be worthy of the Spirit each day in order to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. He is at the head of this great work and it is a privilege to be part of this missionary force.
I am so happy and me and hna Houston are just lovin life and workin hard here in the bottom of the world in the middle of nowhere. Life is so good and we are so blessed to have the fulness of the gospel in our lives. So so blessed!
YAY congrats to Bails for being a capa (that means an awesome person) and getting into BYUI for the fall woohoo! and yay brin you are such a cute lil girl and good job in your variety show! Thanks Brit for the cute pics and quotes! And ahhh baby Em started walking yayyy! por favor da mis sobrinitos un beso de su tia brookie! I sure love my sisters! and hey blakey I love ya! que lastima i didnt get an email from ya this week pero todo bien. haha i know youre a very busy almost married man! I love my parents tooo! keep being awesome and thanks dad for always sending me james weeks emails? hahaha oh man. Have a fantastic week! I'm off to play some futbol with the zone! chau chau les quiero!
xoxo, hermana farrow
Hola mi familia! como estan mis queridos?! esta semana fue muy bien. re copado. De verdad, una semana para recordar. okay so the internet is like slow and super sketchy so hopefully this'll send! But hey fam I miss you and hope you had a great week! Hna Houstons fam was all in Oceanside this week for spring break and went to the beach and sea world and the temple and all that jazz! So fun.
But for reals this week was so awesome. We went to Roca on Thursday for interviews with president!!! He is so awesome and just the cutest lil man. Our interview was so so good. I got a lil emotional expressing to him my love for being a missionary and for this amazing mission we are part of. He gave me a bunch of advice and at the end he said that I am a wonderful young lady and a fantastic missionary! woohoo! haha He's the best. I got super pumped from this interview and just had so much animo to work work work!
Me and Hna Houston decided to put some new goals for the week and our main one was to create an environment for the spirit to dwell during our lessons. Because sometimes the way we are sitting or if their is music or if the tv is on or somethin. Anyways this was our goal and we sure achieved it!
Friday the 13th had nothing on us this week! Friday was a day of pure MILAGROS!! We were lead to so many prepared people and were blessed with the exact words to say in the very moments that we needed them. Remember the girl Anyta who was baptized the first week I got here in Cervantes? Well here mama, Estela, is now our investigator. She is the sweetest lady and so so ready to be baptized. She has a strong testimony and she is just one of those people that unserstands everything we teach. we have been waking up 30 mins every morning to give up this lil part of sleep to be able to know her needs and how we can help her. Friday night we had a lesson with Anyta and it went super well. Then at the end of the lesson, Estela and the other family members who aren't members came into the house. So our lesson was a lil interrupted, but all good. So they all just started talkin and drinkin mate...and it began to get later and we had to go. And i got this lil thought to Show the mormon message, because of Him. SO I asked if we could watch it with all them before we left. And we did, and after the vid I looked over and they are all crying! soo awesome. That vid always brings the spirit so strong. After the testimony I bore my testimony of Christ and his redeeming power. I bore testimony and told them that what we were all feeling in this moment was the Spirit of the Lord, and that the job of the spirit is to testify of truth, so these3 things must be true. This lesson was much needed and I know that we all felt the Love of God that night and I know the Spirit touched their hearts. This is why I love missionary work...just seeing the change the spirit makes in these people. PLease keep Estela in your prayers. I know she will be baptized, and she knows it too, but she either needs to get married or move out with this guy she's living with. But miracles happen every day and God is a God of miracles, I know we just need to work our hardest and leave it all to Him.
I truly love this work. I will never get tired of testifying of my Savior and his gospel. Dangit I have so much to say but so little time, but just know that my life is changing as I strive to live in a way to be worthy of the Spirit each day in order to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. He is at the head of this great work and it is a privilege to be part of this missionary force.
I am so happy and me and hna Houston are just lovin life and workin hard here in the bottom of the world in the middle of nowhere. Life is so good and we are so blessed to have the fulness of the gospel in our lives. So so blessed!
YAY congrats to Bails for being a capa (that means an awesome person) and getting into BYUI for the fall woohoo! and yay brin you are such a cute lil girl and good job in your variety show! Thanks Brit for the cute pics and quotes! And ahhh baby Em started walking yayyy! por favor da mis sobrinitos un beso de su tia brookie! I sure love my sisters! and hey blakey I love ya! que lastima i didnt get an email from ya this week pero todo bien. haha i know youre a very busy almost married man! I love my parents tooo! keep being awesome and thanks dad for always sending me james weeks emails? hahaha oh man. Have a fantastic week! I'm off to play some futbol with the zone! chau chau les quiero!
xoxo, hermana farrow
Monday, March 9, 2015
la vida en la patagonia
March 9,2015
Hey there everyone Hermana Farrow here. SO this week wasn't tooo exciting or anything but we had some fuuun! We are finding new investigators and have had some sweet lessons this week!
So this pic is of me and Lujan. She is the girlfriend of a menos activo and we went to their house this week to paint their house. Me and my comp were laughin that they don't use any blue tape or put plastic or anything down...the floor was covered with drops of paint and so messy. And also you can see I was covered with paint because Lujan thought she was so funny cause I took a pic of her and she came charging at me with her paintbrush. ANyways we had a lot of fun and had some fun laughs this day. SHe is so hilarious and we are going to start teaching her!!
Also this pic of us was from yesterday with Liliana and Joes and their fam. we got a text from them when we were at church and said that they were outside of the church...which is a miracle to a missionary to read these words. so awesome this fam came to church and then invited us to an asado after church at their house. and then we helped clean bottles so they can make and store salsa!! woohooo.
We had a super awesome lesson with this mom and her 5 daughters on saturday night. one of the daughters had all these objections about the book of mormon and was just arguing with us and the elders were there too cause sometimes we go to lessons together. Anyways, the spirit was just not super there cause their was just fighting. anyways I just wanna testify of how the spirit changes peoples hearts and changes the environment and is just so awesome. When she finally calmed down, we were able to talk to her and the spirit just entered and she started crying and OH MAN just such an awesome lesssson that it turned out to be! This is my favorite part of missionary work is just seeing how the spirit works and seeing peoples changes of hearts. SO AWESOME.
Oh and a year from yesterday I will be home isn't that crazy. Don't like to think about it but just thought y'all should know. SOrry this letter wasn't super exciting but just know that I am doing great! I love you all so so much! Have a fantastic week and remember the nails!
Love, Hermana Farrow
Hey there everyone Hermana Farrow here. SO this week wasn't tooo exciting or anything but we had some fuuun! We are finding new investigators and have had some sweet lessons this week!
So this pic is of me and Lujan. She is the girlfriend of a menos activo and we went to their house this week to paint their house. Me and my comp were laughin that they don't use any blue tape or put plastic or anything down...the floor was covered with drops of paint and so messy. And also you can see I was covered with paint because Lujan thought she was so funny cause I took a pic of her and she came charging at me with her paintbrush. ANyways we had a lot of fun and had some fun laughs this day. SHe is so hilarious and we are going to start teaching her!!
Also this pic of us was from yesterday with Liliana and Joes and their fam. we got a text from them when we were at church and said that they were outside of the church...which is a miracle to a missionary to read these words. so awesome this fam came to church and then invited us to an asado after church at their house. and then we helped clean bottles so they can make and store salsa!! woohooo.
We had a super awesome lesson with this mom and her 5 daughters on saturday night. one of the daughters had all these objections about the book of mormon and was just arguing with us and the elders were there too cause sometimes we go to lessons together. Anyways, the spirit was just not super there cause their was just fighting. anyways I just wanna testify of how the spirit changes peoples hearts and changes the environment and is just so awesome. When she finally calmed down, we were able to talk to her and the spirit just entered and she started crying and OH MAN just such an awesome lesssson that it turned out to be! This is my favorite part of missionary work is just seeing how the spirit works and seeing peoples changes of hearts. SO AWESOME.
Oh and a year from yesterday I will be home isn't that crazy. Don't like to think about it but just thought y'all should know. SOrry this letter wasn't super exciting but just know that I am doing great! I love you all so so much! Have a fantastic week and remember the nails!
Love, Hermana Farrow
Monday, March 2, 2015
todo bien
Hermana Farrow and Hermana Houston make a good companionship! |
The most beautiful sight. Happy baptism day Anyta!! |
more pics from the beautiful day yesterday!! and this is me and my comp hna houston!! |
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Oh so people here have been starting to call me hna lighthouse, cause faro in Spanish is lighthouse and they all say I shine and have the face of an actress so I guess Ill take it! |
HOLLA!! oh man look where we are another week has passed! And guys this week we were with an investigator and they asked me how much time i still have in the mission and i realized i only have 1 year. and i like started freaking out haha noo i don't ever want to leave. Anyways this week seriously was such a great one. I know I say that like every week, but for reals this was good!
First of all thank you grandpa Moon for your email! You are the best and I totally started tearing up here reading it. I have the best grandparents. And just so yall know, I'm like and hour and a half from Neuquen in a bus! Cervantes is close to Roca! And cervantes is like all chacras. (fields) and so everrrryyyone gives us fresh fruit that they brought home from working in the fields. SO that's good and should be good for my stomach and to balance out all the carne haha. Oh so people here have been starting to call me hna lighthouse, cause faro in Spanish is lighthouse and they all say I shine and have the face of an actress so I guess Ill take it!
Also as I said before I pretty much embarrass myself at least once a day and on my second day here we were eating lunch with a less active and I was sitting at the end of the table and they were all looking at something in the middle of the table, so I obvi wanted to see too so I leaned forward and forgot that table probs aren't too sturdy here, and the table like almost flipped over and oh my cant even explain it but I just kept saying discuple!! and oh man it was so funny but I almost broke their table to that was fun.
But for reals I am loving this area already. It's so tiny and cute and I love my comp. oh man I have like no time to write...I just wish i could send you guys my diary so yall could read the amazing lil things the Lord puts in our path everyday. We had a baptism this week..a girl named Anyta who I absolutely love to death already. We are just working on her mom now...the only thing holding her back is that shes living with a guy. That's the biggest problem here in Argentina just to letcha know. But There are sooo many prepared people here and it is incredible to meet these people that are so interested and ready to hear this perfect message. We met with this lady who's father died last week and she was just bawling in the lesson. And the spirit honestly was overflowing in the room and it was so sweeeet to see how much better she felt after we explained that her dad is okay and in a place and state resting form all of his enfermades and worldly cares. cant think of the words in English. But such a cool lesson with her and we will go back this week! There is so much potencial in this area and I am so pumped. I love being a missionary. I really do and I know I say this probs every week but it is because it is so true and I couldn't be more thankful to my Father in Heaven for sending me to this amazing place to learn and grow...because really I am the one growing. My investigators are the ones teaching me. Spanish is awesome I love it so much. Cant wait to talk to my grandparents and mama and bro when I get back wooohoo! And hey we'll be skyping pretty soon here! Its already March whaaaaat?! Okay gotta jet. But I LOVE you all! Have a happy week!
Hermana Lighthouse
Cut and Paste Answers:
1. How is your comp? so grerreat!!! love her to death
2. How is the church building? good we have to take a 30 min bus ride to get there
3. Do you have investigators? yep we are finding new ones each day!
4. Is area poorer, or about the same as last? maybe a lil poorer...def smaller
5. How is your apartment? tiny but cute!!
6. How far from mission home? about an hour or 2
7. Did your old comps tooth work out? shes good i think haha
7. You eating ok? yep!
hi mama i ma doing great!! stomach aches every day but whats new haha! i love this area and am so happy. thanks for everything. i couldn't really understand the BYUH stuff...nor don't have too much time to look into it. but yeah it would be awesome to be some type of cousleor or something! haha but for real. love you tons mama. dont worry about me, im all smiles and having the time of my life
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