Monday, May 18, 2015


happppy bday to Martin!! this fam is such a special fam in our ward!! party at their house this weeek

and this was her celebration with the district yesterday for lunch!

happpy bday hna terry! my hna lider who's so so great

May 18th, 2015

Another great week has passed us by! Well transfers went down today! Hna Rocha got transferred to San Martin, the prettiest place in the mission. She was super sad to leave and totes cried this morning saying by. It was a crazy transfer and one Ill remember forever that's for sure haha! But a very very good one and I learned tons! And hey I am going to be training this transfer!! So I will meet/get my new comp on Thursday! Supper duper pumped and so excited. Latina or gringa?! we will seeee.

So this week was so so awesome. SO much happened I don't know where to begin! We had exchanges this week and the sweet lil Hna Narvaez came to Limay and we worked together. Shes from Colombia and it was so fun just to preach the good word together. We had such a successful day and saw miracles and we have an awesome new investigator named Pedro who has a baptismal date for the 13 of June. Exchanges are fun and I always love em

I had a super kewwwl experience this week that was super kewwl. So I got a lil sick this week for the very first time in the mish. Just this super bad headache and stuff (don't worry mom im fine). But anyways the nurse of the mish gave me some suggestions of what to do, and then said ya know the best medicine is a Priesthood blessing. But I kinda felt dumb calling the elders and asking them cause like I wasn't dying or anything, but I thought hey why not. Soo a lil while later 4 elders came over to the apartment and oh man 2 of them being the assistants cause they're in my district ya know. So embarrassing cause I had just woken up and looked awesome haha but its fine. Anyways they all came in and I asked on of the APs to give the blessing. He asked if I would like it in English, so that was super nice! Such an awesome blessing and he said some pretty neat stuff that was just what I needed to hear, like my Father in Heaven is so pleased with who I am becoming and that the work Ive done is incredible. And hey the Priesthood is restored cause I felt so much better the next morn and I am back to work mode!!

On Sunday we got to see the dedication of the new temple in Cordoba Argentina!! For reals it was soo sweet and Pres Uchtdorf came and gave an awesome talk. I loved it and so cool to have 2 temples in Argentina now! Now we just need one in Neuquen. One day for sure.

Well fam that's pretty much all for now! I'm super pumped for this upcoming week and to begin training! And soo excited for all of you and the wedding on Saturday! wooohooo! Ill be looking forward to Monday to see all the pics! so please send many! I love you all and you are in my prayers every day. Thank you for your love and prayers every day!! they are definitely felt over here on this side of the world.

Love hermanita farrow

ps okay so remember that one Utah girl who was serving a mish in argentina and she died on her mission...okay welll at a members house yesterday, i saw a pic of this missionary, and you guys I totally met her in the mtc! and it totally broke my heart to find out it was her who passed away. wow for reals cant believe it! how sad for her fam. But yep totally remember her! Love you allll!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Heya- Happy Mother's Day!

Family Skype for Mothers Day

Enjoying the change of pace in the big city!

May 11, 2015

Hi guys! long time no talk jk talked to you all last night and it was the best thing in the world! For reals pretty sure that was the best 2 hours of my life haha. LOVE YOU all. I sure am a lucky girl to have parents and grandparents and sibs and cousins like you all! Goood times.

Well not too much to write! Im excited for this upcoming week! We are in the 6th week of this transfer. I cant believe how fast this one flew by. So probs Hna Rocha will be transferred and Ill stay here in good ole Limay! So next week you'll be hearing about my new comp and all that jazz! Today we have a pday with the whole zone so well have a big soccer game in about an hour and I'm pumped. Then exchanges with the hermana leaders tonight so thats always fun!

Hope you all have a happy week! Thanks for being the best. The church is true. Keep on keepin on.

Looooove, Hermana Brooklyn Farrow

Monday, May 4, 2015

Uncomfortable Smiles :-)

these pics are me and hna rocha after the movie in the citayyyy. City gurls lol

Walkin to church yersterday with mario and lautaro! cutest lil boys in town. mario is 12 and the only member of his fam and lautaro is 7 and im in love with him. he playes with my hair all through sacrament haha

this waS last night on the way to choir practice. the wind was crazy and ashes everywhere haha. but there are blue skies today and no ashes for now!!

me and my fave hnas from Centenario!!! So much love for them! and it looked good in black and white lol

May 4, 2015

HELLO! Hey everyone!!! whats goin onnnn. sounds like you all had a fun week..watching a boxing match and all. cant believe its already MAY?! que loco no? for reals where has the time gone. ANd bails is gradutating next month and my lil brother is getting married in like 20 days WHATTT.

Anyways this has been one real good weeek! Hna Resquin went home! Yeaaah president called us and was like you are going home tomorrow hna resquin. SO yeah now its just back to me and good ole hna rocha and for that I am so thankful because trios are a lil crazy but all is well now and we are working well together which is such a blessing and we are getting super close. Love her. Im excited for you guys to meet her when we skype hahaha I am teaching her English so she can say hi. We are excited.

Alrighty sooo on Thursday we had the AMAZING opportunity to go see Meet the Mormons and invite like everyone (investigators and less actives and members and randoms on the street) to come. And it was SUCH a success. The whole theater was fullll. And the movie was so great. But wanna know the best part...I saw my bestest friends in the mission like Hna Caballero! ANd ANyta (the girl who was baptized in Cervantes) and members from Cervantes and Centenario and omg it was the greatest night of my life seeing everyone! I don't think Ive had a happier day in the mission! Cant imagine how Heaven will be with all the reunions of loved ones and what not.

Also we had this new investigator, Walter!! Hes like 70 and super kewl. SO we were in a lesson with him this week and we{re talking and explaining the plan of salvation and all the sudden he stops us and asks, Why do you smile so much? He told us he felt uncomfortable cause we were smiling and so happy hahaha but oh man. The only answer we could think of to tell him was that we have the gospel in our lives and we are happy people!! So Hna Resquin whispered to me that I need to stop smiling in the lesson because he felt uncomfortable. Its hard to teach and not smile. But anyways Walter is such a good man. He wanted to guess how old we are, so he thought hna rocha was 40 and thought I was 32 HAHAHA oh my goodness it was the funniest thing cause he was dead serious. But ahh I love him and he told me he felt so much calmness come over him while we were teaching him and for the first time in a while his head didnt hurt! SO I was like this is the Holy Ghost, The spirit of God!! ANd he was like is it really?! and Im like yesss. He thought that was super cool and so did I cause it confirms to me that I am doing my job!

Cant really think of too much else that happened this week. The days all just mush together and for reals cant believe how quick its going by. I am doing good and smiling everyday, even if it makes people feel uncomfortable haha. Life is good and I feel ever so blessed to be on a mission in this crazy city of Neuquen. I love it. The ups and downs and twist and turns. Its all so worth it because there truly is no feeling in the world like being a representative of Jesus Christ and testifying of his life and perfect example.Hey if you're having a hard or sad or bad day, go out and help someone and I promise you'll be happy! I love you all so so much and am so happy to be Hermana Farrow! I{ll be talking to you all on Sunday! At like 4 or 5 my time okay!

Love, Hermana Farrrrrrrrow

ps these pics are me and hna rocha after the movie in the citayyyy. City gurls lol

and the and my fave hnas from Centenario!!! So much love for them! and it looked good in black and white lol
